Wednesday, June 4, 2008

R/D9 Course Reflections

I have found in the beginning many things were confusing. I never use the wmu e-mail, so I was behind from the start by not looking there for information. In my previous classes everything was done on blackboard, I liked that. All discussions, posts, and assignments were put in the drop box, and for each grade I was given comments ( That was a big motivator for me)! So far, the blog is more of an inconvenience than a helpful tool. I have always wanted to set up and use a blog. I thought it would be something a class could use, until I found that it is blocked from our server. The wiki again glad to be able to create one, but not sure if I would ever use it. I really enjoyed using Google maps I can invision incorporate it into my lessons. One thing I struggle with is I don't feel like very much of what I am learning geared towards elementary level. That is how I try to put things into perspective, since that is what I teach and plan on continuing to teach. Also, the requirements for responding to posts. If 4 responses need to be made than that is the minimum requirement for full points. It was not clear on how many should be made how would we know you didn't want 3 or 5 I didn't find it stated what we should be doing until after the fact. The book is okay, again my experience using blackboard's discussion board seemed to be a better means in having meaningful discussions it was set up as more of a dialogue. Overall, I have learned new information, which is always a good thing, and was exposed to new technology I haven't used before. I can't wait for summer break to start and really play with some of the technology like the photosharing!


Jeff Tyler said...


I made the same mistake concerning the replies. I too was under the initial impression that “at least two” was the minimum to receive full points. My understanding now is that you need a minimum of eight replies to receive full points.

Jeff Tyler

Anonymous said...


I'm totally picking up what you're putting down!

I am confused on the responding thing. If we have to respond to atleast 2 classmates, then does that mean we respond to all of their posts for the week? For example, to get full points this week I'm assuming I have to respond to at least 4 classmates, which means 16 reflections?!?!?! Or am I wrong? That just seems like a bit much...

I too would like to have some feed back. It sounds like your other experience of using blackboard was a little more clear? I want to learn how to teach with blackboard, how to use all of the aspects of it. Not that would be most helpful for me.

Keep your chin up, schools almost out!


Anonymous said...

I agree with you that things were frustrating to start but they did get much better when things to cleared up. The discussion posts played a big part and I too agree that those only helped because there were helpful people in the class. I think it would be great to recieve comments on grades and comments on our posts and blogs. Right now there seems to be a ton of class feedback and participation but I would like more from our instructors to know I am doing what is expexted.

mark wentworth said...

Maybe elementary is a little tougher to train than older kids, but the concepts are straight forward once you get past the learning curve. I bet younger students would really take off creatively. Are you concerned with control issues? The ones who catch on faster might help you with the challenged students.