What most made you say (or think) "that's so neat!" Why?
My that is so neat moment was the AI The application of Articificial Intelligence. That is pretty amazing to think about instructional systems meeting the individual academic needs of the students. I like this part "At the individual level, future instructional systems will diagnose learning needs, learning aptitudes, and styles; develop instruction tailored to identified needs and aptitudes; modify the level and type of feedback and instructional strategy based on learner responses and progress; and implement best practices guidelines based up-to-date research findings" (Reiser & Dempsey, p. 326). I feel as though this would be beneficial to all students to have something that is accurate and allows the teacher to construct lessons that will exactly meet the students' needs. To keep the students working at a pace that they can handle and be continously learning and adding onto their prior knowledge, I can't help to think that this would help assist in discipline problems as well. I have learned especially from this last school year how much low achievers are affected behaviorally by their assignments, having to give them grade level work when they are not there is difficult. My concern would be how closely this would match state standardized testing. Because of this extreme change in teaching would the tests then be changed in some way to accomodate for the way learning changed. For schools to take to using instructional systems it would have to not only meet student needs but follow state standards and benchmarks as well as GLCE's and district standards. To me this all sounds very cool!
Sharon Peterson edited Week 2 Wikis
16 years ago
Yay for artificial intelligence! I have noticed that a lot of people thought that was neat when reading everyone's responses. I agree there is great potential in making individualized lesson plans easier. I have a really hard time keeping track of everything when I try to allow students to work at their own pace. It would be nice to have a system to back me up. Also, I lied what you said about the standardized testing. It would be nice to have individualized plans for students that include the benchmarks required by the state.
A.i. is pretty amazing stuff, especially now that we now it will not just be science fiction anymore. And your lesson plan idea is a good one. The AI could construct or help with the construction of individually lesson plans for that specific students needs. great idea.
I liked what you said about kids working at their own pace and continuously learning AND having this individualized learning (as a side benefit) assist in discipline problems. That was a major issue where I taught this year. The kids who couldn’t handle the work the others were doing, or trying to do, sought out attention the way they knew how… causing problems, playing the clown, not doing the work. I can’t imagine the government, standardized tests being changed to best suit the individual student. How would you measure AYP? How would you figure out funding?
I also said that AI was the most neat, probably because I culd trully envision what it could look like being used in our classrooms... my one concern could be if we have artificial intelligence helping teach our kids, how much actually intelligence will teachers need to have or will be viewed as having?
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