Thursday, June 12, 2008


After reading the Udell article, viewing the screencast example (and others if you choose),and the Camtasia tutorial, you should have a decent sense of what is generally possible in screencasting.
Based on this, develop and describe (in detail) an idea for a screencast or set of screencasts that either you would develop for your students or that your students would create for each other (or the general public or some other audience).
Describe how this would fit into a larger lesson and why it would be an essential part of the lesson (and not just window-dressing).

Two years ago I attended the MACUL and was able to go through a class on Camtasia, unfortunatly our district didn't have the funds to purchase this powerful tool. I was able to create a quick tutorial during the class. This could be used for many things in school. I was sitting through a math workshop today and discussing areas students struggle with, if I could create a screencast on for example fractions maybe that would be an avenue for help in students understanding of fractions. We have started a new math curriculum series that seems to speed right through many of the unit and doesnt' allow ample time for student mastery, it would be very helpful for the students to have screencasts to go to and use when they find they are struggling with an area. I realize this would be a time consuming task, but it would act as supplementary material in assisting with the curriculum. From this school year we just completed, I know many of my students would benefit from a learning resource like this. They want to be on the computer and they also get very excited when they are watching something that fits right along with what they are learning. A screencast could be created for each grade level matching each unit of study. This would also be across the district, so for students transferring within district they would already be familiar with the screencasts. It would also be beneficial for the students to create a screencast on what they have learned, strategies for solving math problems. I have to complete more work with our math curriculum and will keep this in mind and explore the capability of providing this in my school.

1 comment:

Joe Sobeske said...

It's funny you should mention Cantasia and math. We are just getting Camtasia at our school and in conjunction with our full time math consultant, we are (hopefully) going to be putting together some podcast lessons. Our goal is to have the podcast be a part of fulfilling the online learning require mt of MME. we have big plans and the summer to chip away at it. We'll see....