Thursday, May 15, 2008

Week 2 Reflections

Week 2 Wiki
This is my first time creating a wiki. I have read about and explored other wiki's. To finally put it into action was nice. It was very helpful to work with other knowledgable classmates. I found it to be a great way to share information which was rather easy to put together. I teach 2nd grade and we are studying the life cycle of a butterfly. It would be fun for the students to create a wiki on the life cycle where they could each add a piece of information they have learned and put in links and so forth. I believe I might actually have time to squeeze this in place of creating a paper pencil report!

RSS Readers:
Again my experience with RSS readers was the same as with creating a wiki, just the reading part. According to the cone experience I didn't have a direct personal experience with using either of these two tools, which lead me to reading about the tools, but not actually moving past that and using them. After having to incorporate them into my blog, I have found them to be quite interesting. It is helpful to pull up your blog and have the things I enjoy right at my fingertips, instead of searching for it. I do find that I could spend too much time reading through and keeping up with all of it, but summer is 17 days away!

Impressions of using a blog:
I first actually heard of blogging from the soap that I watch Days of Our Lives. I had no clue at the time what it was, but it caught my attention and I was curious. Nonetheless, I still wouldn't know unless my last class didn't have us read an article about it. Again this class is having us actually put this into place and play around with it. I am now enjoying blogging. I could see myself creating a personal page to keep up with family and friends whom I don't get to keep in touch with as often as I would like. Education wise, currently there is nobody at the school I work with that is very computer friendly and I was asked to start a blog for our school. Unfortunatly our school is closing. I will hopefully be able to do this for the new school I will be teaching at in the fall. I rather like the thought of blogging and getting other teachers on board and incorporating the RSS Readers into it will be a plus for everyone administration, parents, and teachers.

How will Blogs and RSS Readers fit under Dale's Cone of Experience?
They both fit under many of the experiences listed in the cone. I don't really see them fitting under the Direct Purposeful Experience so much because that is dealing with life's actual experiences. Pretty much everythingelse seems to be able to have a correlation with the blog and RSS readers.

Reflection on Falling Asleep at your Keyboard; Martin Siegel:
I felt this article held good insights on e-learning. So far into my e-learning career I've enjoyed my experience. Although, I have often wondered am I getting as much valuable information as I would if I were in a class? I have experienced time where things could have been cleared up faster if I had someone sitting with me and physically showing me how to do something. I have enjoyed the extra challenge of figuring things out and working collaboratively with others in the classes. I like having the freedom of communicating through blogs, e-mail, and the discussion board. I do agree with Siegel that the lessons need to be imaginative to keep from falling asleep at the keyboard. There have been just a few articles I've been required to read that are beyond my level of computer knowledge they literally put me to sleep! All in all an interesting take on looking at e-learning.


preed said...

I feel the same the same you in regards to the wiki. I have used a lot of wikis and always wondered how easy or difficult it was to use them. Once i started using the wiki, I could really see where it could come in handy as a teacher. I also think your idea about the life cycle of a butterfly is a perfect classroom project, however I don't know how technologically advanced your 2nd grades are but I am sure you could make it work. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I think it would be great to have an entire class work on a group wiki but I too feel that I am still learning. I know my students would be able to navigate through the wiki to create a presentation but my struggle all year has been using internet pictures. I can not give my class full access to go out onto the internet to find pictures because there is no such thing as a safe search. How would you add pictures or other media to your life cycle presentation?

Matthew Swanson said...

Thanks for being a good partner this week. One thing I like about this class is its constructivist approach to learning. We are asked to do things, that many of us do not have prior knowledge of. We are able to learn as much or as little as needed.
One question I ask is whether or not you feel that these technologies we are using and learning about solve any particular probelm in education. I'm still undecided and am not sure if the time and effort they may take to organize and implement will be of enough value. I am interested to see peoples ideas on what way we could use these technologies in the classroom. I do agree with you that the wiki experience was good. Although I'm not sure how I would implement it yet, it was a fantastic way to do a group project. Hope this next week goes well.