Saturday, May 17, 2008

Reflections on delicious and photo sharing

As far as I can tell from what I have read and the little bit I have experienced with the two online tools is they could be useful. I do have a concern about the flicker. When I posted I guess I had it open to the public and had posted it to delicious. Within four minutes 43 people had already had access to it. First wow that was fast and second why would they be interested? It makes me a little nervous why someone would just be searching for pictures like the ones I posted. I put pictures of my family for that was all I had. I thought I might have to make them public for others in the class to see, but I am going to change the setting to private unless otherwise told different. As of right now using this in the school, I can't see myself doing this especially if it can be viewed by anyone and everyone. Parents and the school would not approve of their child's picture being posted on the web. My guess also is that this site would be blocked from our server. I will be interested to hear others uses and play around with this for the next couple of days.
Social bookmarking could be a valuable resource for research projects or finding information on specific topics. I look at this being used more so in the upper elementary rather than the lower due to lack of computer skills. At our school district I am learning that the elementary schools like to be on the same page and having similar discussions. During our professional development meetings we have been working with other elementary schools. I could see using social bookmarking as a way to help communicate information we have all gathered on a specific topic we are discussing. It seems as this would save time and allow for more quality information being found. Again one of my concerns would be the security issue of students stumbling onto inappropriate tags, I would need to further research on the security part of social bookmarking and finding out if it is blocked from our server.


Katherine said...

Yes, I agree safety is a huge issue when placing pictures or any student information on the web. You never know what type of situation your students might be in at home with custody battles these days. I am not sure if Flickr just posts “recently added pictures” somewhere or if someone actually intended to view your pictures, but I agree, it is a bit unsettling.

Jeff Tyler said...


I could not agree with you more. I too am nervous about putting information such as photos on the web. If you read my blog you will see that I have concerns about copyright laws and also personal privacy. Like you said, why would people want your family photos? I am too private of an individual to put my personal photos on the web. Proponents of my position say “don’t be paranoid, it’s secure”, but hackers break into sites every day. I do not want my information spread around the world, so I’ll stick with backing-up my personal information myself.

Jeff Tyler